Monday, February 10, 2025

Working Safely with Ladders


Before you climb, check these basic rules for ladder safety...


·         Make sure the spreaders are locked open before climbing.

·         Make sure nearby doors are locked or walkways barricaded to prevent collisions.

·         Never overreach while working on a stepladder. Move the ladder instead.

·         Never climb above the second rung from the top.

Straight Ladders

·         Always use the 4-to-1 rule: Position the base of the ladder 1 foot from the wall for every 4 feet of the ladder’s height up to the support point.

Example: The base of a 16-foot ladder should be 4 feet from the wall.

·         A straight ladder should extend at least 3 feet past its support point.

·         Tie down your ladder as close to the support point as possible.

·         Use only straight ladders that have properly functioning safety feet.

·         Never climb past the third rung from the top on a straight ladder.

·         Never overreach: The trunk of your body should not extend past the side of the ladder.

All Ladders

·         Always wear slip-resistant footwear.

·         Keep the ladder rungs free of oil and grease.

·         Always go up and down facing the ladder, holding on with both hands.

·         While working, hold on to the ladder with one hand at all times.

·         Use a tool belt or a bucket attached to a hand line to pull tools up.

·         Never use a metal ladder when working with electrical current.

Before climbing any ladder, check its condition...

• Nuts and bolts tight?

• Rungs secure?

• Spreaders working?

Safety feet working right?

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