Sunday, January 5, 2014

Winter Driving Safety - On the Job Tool Box Talks

Driving habits need to change once the winter driving season is upon us. Please keep the following in mind when it comes to driving during the winter.

1. ALWAYS wear your seat belt. It’s the law and they save lives. 41,000 people die in vehicle accidents every year. Many of these people may still be alive had they been wearing their seat belt.

2. Drive at a safe speed for conditions. During snow and sleet, driving at the posted speed limit is too fast. After a rain or thawing of snow, road conditions can change quickly from just wet to ice once the temperature drops below freezing again.

3. Be cautious of other drivers on the road. Give others enough room to merge into traffic.

4. Keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you. Will you be able to stop in enough time if you needed to brake in an emergency situation?

5. Remember if you are pulling a trailer, additional distance is needed to stop.

6. After a snowfall, visibility can be decreased by salt from the roadways splashing on windshields. Check your windshield fluid prior to leaving. If low, fill it up. Keep an extra bottle of washer fluid in your vehicle.

7. Clean your wiper blades with an alcohol wipe. This will help avoid streaks when using your wiper blades. If your wiper blades are worn out, they should be replaced. Typically they should be replaced every 6 months.

8. Drive with your headlights on during inclement weather. This will increase your visibility to other drivers

9. Clean off snow and defrost your windows prior to leaving. Let your vehicle warm up.

Download this Information.

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