Monday, August 12, 2024

Designated Path



All buildings must have a way of allowing occupants fast exit to the outside or a safe place of refuge in case of an emergency. These exits can be hallways, corridors, balconies, ramps, stairs, or lobbies.

The designated paths of exit must be arranged and maintained to provide a free and unob¬structed means to exit all parts of the building at all times. Employers must also ensure that these paths are accessible to occupants who have impaired mobility.

Exits must lead directly outside, to a refuge area, or to an open space with access to the outside. The area beyond the exit has to have enough room to accommodate the people who are likely to use the exit.

Exit doors:
• must be able to be readily opened without having to use keys, tools, or special knowledge.
• cannot have any alarm or device that would restrict emergency use of the exit if the device fails.

What must my employer do?
Your employer will explain how to locate exits in your facility, and what you should do if you are required to exit the building in an emergency

What must I do?
You must become aware of at least two exits from your area of the workplace.
You have the duty to not block exits or paths of exits, and alert your employer if you notice exits that are blocked.

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